Resources, Tools, Notices, and Opportunities for Professional Development and Collaboration for School Administrative Units Participating in Cohort 1, Fiscal Year 2024-25

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
In April of 2024, the Maine Legislature approved a bill that allowed School Administrative Units to provide early childhood special education services to preschool aged children with disabilities, and that all School Administrative Units were to offer these services by July 1st, 2028. The Maine Department of Education's Commissioner oversees this effort and is supporting the Office of Special Services and Inclusive Education (OSSIE) to support the development of systems, policies, practices and procedures to do so.
- Legislation for Provision of Early Childhood Special Education in School Administrative Units (SAUs), P.L. 2023, c. 643, part W
- Child Find and the Special Education Process
- Preschool Environments
- Supporting Growth and Development through Services in Quality Programs

Cohort Meeting Recordings: Supports to Initiate Early Childhood Special Education Services
The Maine Department of Education, Office of Special Services and Inclusive Education supports School Administrative Units in providing early childhood special education services to ensure Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Included are the agendas, presentations, and recordings from the most recent cohort of SAUs to participate.
- Cohort Meeting Recordings (Cohort 1 SY2024-2025, Cohort 2 SY 2025-26)
- Application Process and Timelines
- Topic Specific Presentations/Recordings

Technical Assistance for Programs Implementing Early Childhood Special Education
The following information is designed to support school administrative units engaged in providing special education services to preschool-aged children with disabilities, enabling all schools to meet regulatory requirements and provide free appropriate public education.
- Educator Certification, Licensure, Practitioner Roles and Responsibilities, Recruitment, and Retention
- Child Find in Early Childhood
- Transition from Early Intervention Services
- Preschool Inclusion and Least Restrictive Environment
- Measuring Positive Child Outcomes: The Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process

Technical Assistance for Fiscal and Data Processes in Early Childhood Special Education
In addition to technical assistance for programmatic supports, the Office for Special Services and Inclusive Education presents specific fiscal and data technical assistance in the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education for preschool-aged children.
- Fiscal Practices and Funding Guidance
- Data Collection Procedures
- Data Analysis Resources
Jennifer Hopkins
Assistant Transition Coordinator of FAPE Services for Early Childhood