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Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database
- Introduction/EGAD
- Contacts
- EGAD Submittals
- EGAD Data
- Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD)
- GIS Data Collection
- EGAD Data Disclaimer
- Types of Sites in EGAD
- Related Programs
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The Maine Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database (EGAD) (formerly known as the Environmental and Groundwater Analysis Database) was originally designed to store site and water quality information for potential and actual sources of contamination to groundwater in Maine. It now also includes biological and surface water sampling sites, with a broad range of data types including physical, chemical, biological and spatial. Access to comprehensive up-to-date analytical data allows Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) staff from both the Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management (BRWM) and the Bureau of Water Quality (BWQ) to assess trends in regional surface and ground water quality and quantity. It also improves automated analysis and map-making capability including rapid access to information for emergency response to hazardous materials spills. Detailed well and analytical information in the database is used by staff to design remedial action at hazardous spill sites. It is also used by staff to evaluate potential for cumulative impacts of real estate development on ground water quality.
Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) and EGAD Questions, please contact:
Robert Leighton (207) 446-8623 Robert.S.Leighton@maine.gov
BRWM EGAD Data Manager
Jackie Dearborn (207) 719-8087 Jackie.Dearborn@maine.gov
BWQ EGAD Data Manager
John Lynam John.Lynam@maine.gov
EGAD Spatial Data Manager
EGAD Submittals
- BRWM EDD submittals should be sent to the email address dep.edd@maine.gov and should cc all relevant DEP personnel (Geologist, Engineer, Project Manager, etc.). For EDDs containing laboratory data, please send all lab reports associated with the submitted EDDs, either in the same email or in a separate email. If the lab reports are in one central document, then just this document may be submitted.
- BWQ EDD submittals should be sent to the DEP staff requesting the data and the BWQ Data Manager.
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EGAD Site locations, showing threats to groundwater and on-going environmental monitoring, can be viewed using Google Earth.
To request data, please use the Data Request Form.
Electronic Data Deliverable
The Electronic Data Delivery (EDD) is a required standard template for laboratory and field data submittals to EGAD. Authority for this requirement is granted under Maine's Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, 10 M.R.S. §9418 (2) (A). The ME DEP EDD Version 6.0 should be used for all data submissions.
EDD Version 6.0
Beginning November 1, 2015, EDD v6.0 will be the only version accepted by DEP. The following documents provide instructions for completing and submitting EDD v6.0:
- EDD v6.0 User Manual (PDF format) provides instructions on how to complete an EDD.
- Appendix 1 – EDD v6.0 Template for import into EGAD (Excel format) contains EDD template (for all data types) and Data Element Dictionary. The Data Element Dictionary includes field definitions, corresponding lookup tables, and required fields.
- Appendix 2 – EDD Examples (Excel format) contains examples of EDDs filled out for different types of data, such as laboratory, quality control, field, water level, non-sample data, etc.
- Appendix 3 – EGAD Lookup Tables (Excel format) contains all EGAD lookup tables and their values. These values should be used to fill in the appropriate fields in the EDD file for submittal. The Lookup Tables are updated frequently as additional values are added so check back often for the most up to date tables.
The Department of Environmental Protection requires that all laboratory data submittals to EGAD include the associated quality control (QC) sample results in the EDD. This will avoid a separate request for the QC results and will help avoid unnecessary QC questions from the Department, while demonstrating that proper QC measures were taken in the course of sampling and analysis. These include: field blanks, trip blanks, field duplicates, surrogates, lab control samples (LCS), lab control sample duplicates (LCSD), method/lab blanks, matrix spikes (MS), and matrix spike duplicates (MSD).Detailed instructions for submitting QC results are provided in the EDD v6.0 User Manual.
GIS Data Collection - guidance for submittal of spatial data to DEP
EGAD Data Disclaimer
EGAD (Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database) is a public information resource provided by the Maine DEP. The State of Maine and InforME make every effort to ensure that published information is accurate and current. Neither the State of Maine, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the State of Maine warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published on the Maine.gov website, nor endorses any products or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of the information are subject to revisions, corrections, and updates. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at their own risk.
Data in the EGAD system data go through various levels of quality assurance/quality control procedures before being accepted by the DEP to meet project requirements. However, the DEP makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of the data. To ensure data authenticity, original laboratory analytical reports and field sheets should be consulted. As an aid to data interpretation, EGAD supplemental materials such as the data dictionary and LUP tables should be consulted. The DEP does not assume any responsibility for the nature in which EGAD data are used, either in their raw form or in the form of derived products. When using EGAD data, the following citation should be provided: Maine Department of Environmental Protection, EGAD (Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database), https://www.maine.gov/dep/maps-data/egad/, (date accessed).
Types of Sites in EGAD
EGAD contains data from a number of different sites including sites with land use activities which are potential and/or actual sources of contamination and sites where biological and surface water sampling is conducted. Definitions of all current EGAD Site Types are provided in the EGAD Lookup Tables.
Related Programs
- Aboveground Storage Tanks
- Atlantic Salmon Rivers
- Biomonitoring
- Dioxin Monitoring
- Groundwater (Water)
- Hazardous Waste/Universal Waste
- Homeowner
- Marine Waters
- Solid Waste
- Surface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (SWAT)
- Underground Storage Tanks