Unit 2- Animals Surviving and Thriving

 For those interested in printing lesson plans for each week of Unit 2- Animals Surviving and Thriving, you can do so by selecting the week below:

Unit 2- Animals Surviving and Thriving Overview: Documents   Unit 2 Overview Video

Week 1 (1 of 2) Week 1 (2 of 2)

Week 2 (1 of 3) Week 2 (2 of 3) Week 2 (3 of 3)

Week 3 (1 of 3) Week 3 (2 of 3) Week 3 (3 of 3)

Week 4 (1 of 2) Week 4 (2 of 2)

Week 5

Week 6 (1 of 2) Week 6 (2 of 2)

Week 7 (1 of 2) Week 7 (2 of 2)

Week 8

Family Links 

Week 1   Reading Practice   Math Dot Plates   

Week 2   Reading Practice   More Dots   

Week 3   Reading Practice   Measurement

Week 4   Reading Practice

Week 5   Reading Practice

Week 6   Reading Practice   Telling Time

Week 7   Reading Practice

Week 8   Reading Practice   Equivalent Equations

Week 1
Week 1: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: habitat, behavior, structure Introduce Weekly Words: function, travel, grassland Verbs: Root Words and Endings Verbs: Root Words and Endings Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk Ultimate Animals video A Bird Can Fly

Slither, Slide, Hop, and Run, Read 1


Slither, Slide, Hop, and Run, Read 2

Child text packets

A Bird Can Fly and Slither, Slide, Hop, and Run, Read 3



Reading: Independent & Partner

Listening and Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk   Images; Listen & Respond (A Bird Can Fly)

Science Literacy: How can we observe animals in our schoolyard?

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge;  Sentences;  Look, Cover, Write;  Make New Words;  Trick Word Memory

Shared Reading: “Three Small Monkeys”   Slides   Text

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Using a Field Guide   Mammals of Maine (color)  (black & white)
Lesson 2: Observing Animals



Studio Prompts     Clay animal images     Conversation prompts

Writing Basics

Deconstruction: Report Purpose

Mentor texts

Deconstruction: Report Stages

Anchor chart images

Modeling and Joint Construction in Pairs: Research

Animal Research Sheet

Book Selections (horizontal)   (vertical)

Joint Construction in Pairs: Research Joint Construction in Pairs: Research
Week 2
Week 2: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: scavenger, adapt, surroundings Introduce Weekly Words: wild, thrive, urban Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk Animals in the City, Read 1 Animals in the City, Read 2 Squirrels Leap, Squirrels Sleep

Tide Pools, Read 1

Tide Pools, Read 2



Shared Reading: “Bat Breakfast”    Text    Slides

Independent & Partner

Listening and SpeakingTalk, Draw, Talk ; Listen & Respond (Animals in the City)

Science Literacy: Where do animals get their traits?

Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning

Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Fluent Reader's Practice; Sentences; Say it, Build it, Write it; Trick Word Memory; BINGO cards

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Animal Traits   Resource   Sort   Challenge
Lesson 2: Sibling Traits   Trait Sheet   Trait Cards


Children create animals and their habitats in various media and continue mapping terrariums.

The Library and Writing and Drawing Studios are combined for researching and writing animal riddles.+

Prompts    Riddle Research   Riddle Sheet   Detective Worksheet

Writing Basics

Deconstruction: Posters and Individual Construction: Body Diagram


Deconstruction and Individual Construction: The Third Person and
General Nouns

Nouns Cards


Observation Tool

Individual Construction: Subtopics Individual Construction and Review Individual Construction and Review
Week 3
Week 3: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: predator, burrow, basic need Introduce Weekly Words: survive, shelter, prey Sorting Words into Categories Sorting Words into Categories Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? Read 1 What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? Read 2 Hidden City “Falcon Fledge” and “Peregrine Falcon” video

“Surprised!” VTS


Teacher Choice



Shared Reading: “Down by the Bay”   Slides
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk   Prompt; Listen & Respond (What Do You Do with a
Tail Like This?)
Science Literacy: How do animals use their parts to move?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Look Cover Write Check; Sort with Books; Name it Write it Mark it; Word Banks; Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: How Do Animals Use Their Parts to Move   Animal Parts sheet
Lesson 2: How do Birds Use Their Beaks   Investigation sheet   Poster   Procedure poster   Table Labels


Activities continue. Drama and Writing and Drawing Studios are combined for creating and acting out animal stories. Children make field guides.

Prompts    Field Guide

Writing Basics Individual Construction and Review

Peer-to-Peer Feedback

Report Feedback


Deconstruction and Joint Construction: Adjectives

Slides    Chart Image

Deconstruction, Joint Construction, and Individual Construction: General
Week 4
Week 4: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: rain forest, tundra, desert Introduce Weekly Words: forest, pond, ocean Noun-Verb Agreement Noun-Verb Agreement Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

The Perfect Beak text

on video

Winter Sleep: A HIbernation Story

on video

Black Bear Cub

on video

How Chipmunk Got His Stripes, Read 1

How Chipmunk Got His Stripes, Read 2



Shared Reading: “Hush!”   Slides   Text
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk   Prompt; Listen & Respond (How Chipmunk Got His Stripes)
Science Literacy: What structures help animals solve problems and survive?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Say It, Build It, Write It; Suffix Sort; Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: How Do Animal Build Homes    Sheet
Lesson 2: Surviving Winter    Sheet


Children use works of art as inspiration for work in various media and across studios.

Oil pastels are introduced in the Art Studio.

Children make observations about sibling animals.

Studio Prompts    Slides    Images

Habitat Research

Science and Engineering Studio    Observation Sheet

Writing Basics Introduction to and Beginning Revising and Publishing Poster Layout; Revising and Publishing Deconstruction and Individual Construction: Title; Revising and Publishing Publishing Presentation and Celebration
Week 5
Week 5: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: offspring, parent, safe Introduce Weekly Words: protect, camouflage, hatchling Conjunctions



Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk How Animal Babies Stay Safe, Read 1 How Animal Babies Stay Safe, Read 2 And Tango Makes Three, Read 1

And Tango Makes Three, Read 2

Reading Response Sheet

Hidden City “The Hunting Lesson,” Animals Surviving and Thriving



Shared Reading: “Harbor Animals”    Slides    Text

Mid Unit Assessment Prompt    Slides
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk Images   Prompt; Listen & Respond (How Animal Babies Stay Safe)
Science Literacy: How do people mimic animals to solve a problem?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Trick Word Memory; Look, Cover, Write, Check; Sentences

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Animal Coats    Coats on Animals    Slides
Lesson 2: Designing Coats

Studios Prompts
Writing Basics


Sheet    Rubric


Observation Tool

Deconstruction: Argument Purpose and Joint Construction: Oral

Why We Write

Deconstruction: Argument Stages and Joint Construction: Reasons Debate

Deconstruction, Joint Construction, and Individual Construction:


Week 6
Week 6: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: danger, underground, reptile Introduce Weekly Words: nest, observe, threat Adjectives Shades of Meaning Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk

“Dangers to Animals” slides, Read 1

Slides    Packet 1

“Dangers to Animals” slides, Read 2

Packet 2

Sea Turtles

Turtle Tide: the Ways of Sea Turtles, Read 1, “Sea Turtle Nesting” video

Turtle Tide: the Ways of Sea Turtles, Read 2



Shared Reading: “Boston Birds”   Slides   Text
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk   Images; Listen & Respond (Turtle Tide)
Science Literacy: How are animal traits the same and different among siblings?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Say it, Build it, Write it; Name it, Write it, Mark it; Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Parents and Their Offspring    Chart
Lesson 2: Black Bears and Their Offspring


Activities continue from previous weeks until sea turtles are introduced during Text Talk on Day 3.

Tissue Paper Collage is introduced in the Art Studio.

Sea Turtle Introduction Slides    Project Planning

Art Studio Prompts    Collage Procedure

Writing Basics

Deconstruction: Argument Stages

Letter    Slides    Images

Deconstruction: Parts of a Letter and Deconstruction and Individual
Construction: Audience


Joint Construction: Thesis and Modeling and Joint Construction in
Pairs: Research

One-Pagers    Sheet

Joint Construction in Pairs: Research

Deconstruction and Joint Construction: Adjectives

Slides    Images    Cards

Week 7
Week 7: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: impact, environment, responsibility Introduce Weekly Words: endangered, wildlife, rescue Action Verbs Action Verbs Carousel Brainstorm
Text Talk Sea Turtles, Turtle Tide, and “Sea Turtle Nesting” video text comparison

Sea Turtles, Read 2 and “Saving Sea Turtles, One Egg at a Time” video

Reading Response

“How People Help Animals Survive and Thrive” slides, Read 1


Student Resource

“How People Help Animals Survive and Thrive” slides, Read 2

Student Resource




Shared Reading: “Going to the Zoo”    Slides    Text
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk images   Prompt; Listen & Respond (Me...Jane)
Science Literacy: What are some ways animal parents feed and protect their young?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Look, Cover, Write, Check; Make New Words; Name it, Write it, Mark it; Sentences; Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Predators and Prey    Forest Food Web
Lesson 2: Ways Animals Protect Their Young    Slides


Continuing work on the Sea Turtle Project; Learning about the Turtle Cam Project

Prompts    T-Shirt Bag    Article    Response Sheet

Writing Basics

Individual Construction: Argument Letter

Parts of a Letter

Observation Tool

Individual Construction and Revision Individual Construction and Revision Individual Construction and Revision

Peer-to-Peer Feedback

Argument Feedback

Week 8
Week 8: At A Glance Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Vocabulary and Language

Vocabulary Cards

Introduce Weekly Words: interconnected, basic need, map Introduce Weekly Words: urban, location, travel Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review No lesson; time used for Unit presentation and celebration
Text Talk

“The Story of the Chicken and the Eagle”


“Helping Animals” 


Daniel Finds a Poem

Synthesis of Unit Ideas

Celebrating our Projects



On Day 4, the End of Unit Assessment is administered. Assessment Prompt      Rubric    Slides

Shared Reading: “Hollow Tree Song”    Slides    Text
Independent and Partner Reading
Listening & Speaking: Talk, Draw, Talk Images    Prompt; Listen & Respond (“The Story of the Chicken and the Eagle”)
Science Literacy: How can animals help us solve human problems?
Vocabulary: Draw for Meaning
Word Work: Fluent Reader's Challenge; Name it, Write it, Mark it; Sentences; Say it, Build it, Write it; Picture Sort; Trick Word Memory

Science and Engineering

Lesson 1: Biomimicry    Matching Sheet
Lesson 2: Safe Helmets    Posters


Studio Prompts    Biomimicry Sheet

Finalizing and preparing projects for presentation.

In Science and Engineering children design helmets.
Studios time is combined with Vocabulary and Language, Text Talk, and Writing for Presentation and Celebration on Day 5.

Writing Basics Introduction to and Beginning Revising and Publishing Revising and Publishing Publishing


Sheet    Rubric

Presentation and Celebration