Major Gregory Sanborn Wildlife Management Area (formerly known as Brownfield Bog WMA) is located in the towns of Brownfield, Fryeburg, and Denmark. The WMA comprises about 5,920 acres of diverse habitats, including many wetlands, rivers, and ponds, as well as upland habitats. The Department does a variety of management activities at Sanborn WMA to benefit wildlife. Timber harvests are conducted to provide young forest habitat, and enhance the value of other habitats. For example, timber harvests and a prescribed fire have been used to perpetuate the rare pitch pine-scrub oak habitat that occurs on a portion of the WMA, and is home to several rare moth species. Over 100 waterfowl nest boxes have been installed, and are maintained annually to enhance waterfowl production. Although they were erected to benefit cavity nesting waterfowl (i.e., wood ducks, hooded merganser, and common merganser), other species such as gray and flying squirrels, and American kestrels occasionally also utilize them. Additionally, there are a few small fields that receive periodic mowing to maintain them.
[caption id="attachment_669" align="alignright" width="192"]

Cory Stearns maintains a waterfowl nest box at Sanborn WMA[/caption]
The diversity of wildlife found at Sanborn WMA has made it a popular destination for hunters, birders, and other recreationists. With the plethora of wetlands, waterfowl is the primary draw for hunters to the area, but deer, bear, turkey, moose, grouse, and woodcock are also present. Trapping is allowed, and snowmobiling is permitted on existing trails. On Fish and Game Rd (Fryeburg), there is a sanctioned shooting range and a boat launch for Lovewell Pond. Canoeing and rafting is very popular on the Saco River, which bisects the property. You can launch at the river crossing of Route 302 (Fryeburg) and take out at the Lovewell Pond boat launch, or at the Route 160 river crossing in Denmark. There is a primitive (tents only, no potable water or electricity) camping area on Walker’s Island that is accessible via the Saco River or Walker’s Falls Rd (Denmark/Fryeburg). Great Bog (the largest of the wetlands on the WMA) and nearby areas are accessible through Bog Rd, a small dirt road off from Lord Hill Rd, Brownfield. There is a small parking area and canoe launch at the end of the road, and another about midway that provides canoe access to other wetlands. The beginning of Bog Rd is privately owned, so please be respectful of the landowners and obey any road closure signs. Other areas are accessible off from Route 5/113, Clays Pond Rd, and Island Rd (Fryeburg).
For more information or questions about Major Gregory Sanborn Wildlife Management Area, visit us
online or contact the regional wildlife biologists in the Gray regional office (207-657-2345)