June 25, 2015 at 11:31 am
Delano Wildlife Management Area by Regional Wildlife Biologist Scott McLellan
The Delano Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is located about 4 miles north of the town of Monson, along the eastern side of Route 6/15. This 589-acre WMA wraps around Spectacle Pond, which is the only roadside pond visible between Monson and Greenville (see Map 41 of the DeLorme, E3). Far and away, the most significant use of this WMA is by hikers that are hiking the Appalachian Trail. The AT travels through the southern portion of this WMA, and receives substantial use by both through hikers and day hikers between the months of May and October. A parking lot along Rte. 6/15 (see photos) to accommodate day hikers, and family/friends resupplying through hikers is considered to be the last stopover point for those through hikers who are headed to the top of Mt. Katahdin. The trail crosses the outlet (Goodell Brook) to Spectacle Pond and a small trail off the AT leads interested parties to Goodell Falls, a small, easy and scenic feature along the brook. The AT is also used by fishermen to access Bell Pond (at the northeastern corner of the WMA) and by hunters that are trying to access the eastern portion of this property.
For a map of Delano Wildlife Management Area Click Here
