Wilderness Activities and Virtual Engagement for Students - WAVES


Get Involved

Apply to support an outdoor club in YOUR school



See the latest news about this exciting opportunity as featured on NEWS CENTER MAINE!

Learn about our partnership with Teens to Trails and increase teen and adolescent access to outdoor clubs in your school.

Apply HERE!




Welcome to WAVES, an initiative working to serve ALL Maine teens.

In response to the inequitable access to the human and internet connectivity that some students have faced with the onset of COVID-19, and through the use of federal emergency relief funds, WAVES joins the other projects of the administration’s #ConnectKidsNow! Campaign, which has included the provision of hotspots for students to connect to online learning, the expansion of broadband, and the development of MOOSE!, a free, online and project-based learning platform.

WAVES is for all Maine teens. We hope you find meaningful opportunities to engage socially with peers through our offerings. Please do not hesitate to reach out to share ideas for additional offerings that would be meaningful to YOU.


Page Nichols
Chief Innovation Officer