Section 1118(c) of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that school administrative units (SAUs) with multiple attendance areas maintain comparability of local/state resources between the Title I schools and the non-Title I schools; or if all the schools at a grade span are Title I schools, comparability of local resources must be maintained among the Title I schools. The list of SAUs required to demonstrate comparability is noted below. If your SAU is not listed below, you can disregard this notice.
The ESEA Title I Comparability Report will now be produced and reviewed by the Maine Department of Education using the NEO enrollment and staffing data that SAUs have certified as accurate. As the Comparability Reports and data are reviewed and accepted by the ESEA Team, a copy of the report and backup data will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools and the ESEA Coordinator. You should review these documents and let us know if you have any questions. You must keep this documentation for audit purposes. Additional information regarding Comparability definitions and processes is posted. Review this comparability information to further understand the Comparability Report.
Questions regarding ESEA Title I Comparability Reports can be directed to each district's regional program manager on the ESEA Team.
- Comparability Information and Definitions
- The Law -- Section 1118(c)