Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Program

The Maine Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) along with its technical partner, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) are taking applications for Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (BRLF) Program for cleanup loans and grants at “shovel-ready” Brownfields properties throughout Maine.  Applications are being accepted now through Friday, September 20, 2024.

This year, there is no “match” for the funding.  EPA does require that more than 50% of the total funds issued by DECD’s BRLF Program will be in the form of a loan, so DECD will generally prioritize projects requesting at least 50% of the funding as a loan.  A municipality or a non-profit may request both grant and loan funds.  Private entities are only eligible for loan funds.  An applicant may request up to $500,000.

This is a competitive process and there are five major areas your application should address thoroughly to be successful: 

  1. completeness of application.
  2. demonstration of an aggressive schedule for starting the project and using the funding.
  3. demonstrate leveraging of other funding and resources to ensure the completion of the  project.
  4. demonstrate how the project has solicited input from and in some way meets the needs of disadvantaged/environmental justice communities in the area.
  5. explain how the remedy will include “green” methods and options during cleanup and in the remedy that conserves resources, cuts the carbon footprint, and results in a remedy that is durable and resistant to climate change. 

Please use the application (which has been revised), and read the eligibility criteria carefully.  All applications should be submitted electronically to by Friday, September 20, 2024.