Housing Assistance Program

The Housing Assistance Grant (HA) Program provides funding to address housing problems of low-and moderate-income persons. Housing Assistance Program (HA) funds will be distributed through an annual grant application selection process.

  1. Eligibility Requirements for Housing Assistance Applications: Communities must have an identified multi-family project with a developer approved by OCD.

  2. Eligible Activities: Eligible HA activities are rehabilitation of occupied or vacant multi-family housing units and conversion of non-residential structures.

  3. Matching Funds: Applicants for housing activities must provide a cash match of at least 20% of the total HA project cost.

  4. Maximum HA Grant Amount: $1,000,000

  5. Maximum Administrative Costs: The HA Program may allow expenditures for general and/or rehabilitation administration. The total general and rehabilitation administration expenditures may not exceed 15% of the grant amount. Please refer to OCD Policy Statement #2 for more information regarding CDBG administrative costs.

Please see the current Program Statement for further program information.