Maine’s Economic Development Strategy

In 2019, the State embarked on its first strategic economic plan in two decades. This effort, which included over 1,500 voices in public meetings, online comments, and a diverse set of working group members, culminated in November 2019, when Governor Janet Mills released the State’s new 10-year strategic economic development plan.

By 2023, it was time for a refresh of the strategy given the major changes to the Maine economy and progress towards the goals since the original report was published. Again building an extensive planning process, involving more than 600 participants in stakeholder sessions and a dedicated steering committee, the State published a comprehensive update in 2024: The 2024 Reset

The non-partisan plan aims to foster collaboration among the public, private, non-profit, and education sectors to grow and diversify Maine’s economy. The Department of Economic and Community Development is leading the initiative, in collaboration and partnership with other government agencies, business leaders, and private organizations.

The Economic Development Strategy is a dynamic roadmap designed to be relevant and flexible with a key core message: there is a place in Maine’s economy for everyone.

Key Reports

2019: Maine Economic Development Strategy 2020-2029, a Focus on Talent and Innovation

2020: Governor's Economic Recovery Committee: Recommendations to Grow and Sustain Maine's Economy

2023: Progress Report 1: 2020 - 2022

2024: Maine 2020-2029 Economic Development Strategy: The 2024 Reset

2024: Workforce Attraction and Recruitment Experiences of Maine Employers

2025: Why People Move to Maine: A Study of Recent Migrants

Executive Steering Committee Membership

Maine's 10-Year Statewide Strategic Plan is being implemented by an Executive Steering Committee. The current members are:

Executive Steering Committee Membership

Adam Lachman, Senator King's Office

Amy Landry, AVCOG

Andrea Cianchette Maker, Focus Maine

Carol Woodcock, Senator Collins' Office

David Daigler, Maine Community College System

David Greenham, Maine Arts Commission

Dr. Joan Ferrini-Mundy, University of Maine

Jeannette Andre, Maine Philanthropy Center

John Ochira, Maine Community Foundation

Joseph Edwards, Maine Jobs Council

Laura Fortman, Commissioner, Department of Labor

Linda Caprara, Maine State Chamber of Commerce

Matthew Lewis, Four Directions Development Corporation

Melanie Loyzim, Department of Environmental Protection

Ryan Neale, Department of Transportation

William Whitmore, MaineHealth

Yellow Light Breen, Maine Development Foundation

List current as of December 2024.

COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and Response – Governor’s Economic Recovery Committee

In May 2020, Governor Janet Mills appointed an Economic Recovery Committee of diverse private sector experts from across Maine to develop specific policy recommendations to stabilize the state’s economy and build a bridge to future prosperity in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic using the 10-Year Economic Development Strategy as a key guide. The ERC submitted its final recommendations to Governor Mills on November 24, 2020.

More info on the Governor's Economic Recovery Committee can be found here.