Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
BRS works to bring about full access to employment, independence and community integration for people with disabilities.
Contact BRS
150 State House Station
Augusta, 04333-0150
Telephone: (207) 623-6799
TTY users please use Maine Relay 711
FAX: (207) 287-5292
About BRS
Working with its partners in the Maine Department of Labor's CareerCenter and the rehabilitation community, the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) works with persons with disabilities through its three primary service provision units:
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) | Independent Living Services Program - Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBVI)
Vocational Rehabilitation Program for people who are blind or have a visual impairment | Education Program for children who are blind or have a visual impairment | Business Enterprise Program | Independent Living Programs - Division for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Late Deafened (DoD)
Programs and Services | Resource Guide