The purpose of these master agreements is to provide agencies with a list of prequalified vendors to provide Used/Refurbished Modular Furniture Services and Moving Services on an “as needed” basis.

The current Pre-qualified vendor list below are vendors who received contracts based on a competitive process.  The PQVL is to be utilized for any dollar value.  The list may change as more vendors are pre-qualified.

Vendor Name Contract (PDF) Rate Sheet (PDF)
PRO Moving Services MA 18P 19082800000000000035 Rate Sheet
Vallee Configurations, Inc. MA 18P 22021700000000000069 Rate Sheet
Bisson Moving & Storage MA 18P 19082800000000000037 Rate Sheet

Please direct any interested bidders to the PQVL Page to apply for entry to the PreQualified Vendor List.

Instructions for the Mini-Bid Process and Awards

Once an agency requires a service, they will notify all pre-qualified vendors, initiating the mini-bid process. Each vendor on the PQVL will be given a description of the particular services needed and asked to respond within a specific timeframe.  Bids submitted on behalf of the mini-bid process will be evaluated on the basis of the Vendors’ proposed cost or both proposed cost and detailed offerings, which may include information on how that vendor proposes to provide the particular services.  Vendors should respond to each mini-bid with their proposal or provide a “no-bid” as a response.  The Agency, as applicable, will then select one vendor based on the cost proposal submitted and criteria being evaluated during the “mini-bid” process.

State of Maine agencies will place individual orders directly with the successful vendor.  Delivery Orders (DO) will be issued against the MA with the awarded bidder concluding the mini-bid process if the service is more than $5000.00.  Orders in the amount of $5000.00 or less may be ordered using a DO or by using a State Procurement Card (Credit Card or P-Card).

Please note, the costs on the vendor’s rate sheet will form the foundation of each Vendor’s future mini-bid responses – that is, a Vendor may not propose rates in the mini-bid that are above what is listed on their rate sheet (but a Vendor may propose a rate lower, if it so chooses).

The Agency reserves the right to select vendors from the pre-qualification list without using the mini-bid process for jobs that will be less than $2500 and for emergencies (if the need arises). 

A copy of these instructions can be obtained here - PQVL Instructions (Word)