Living Resources Program | Provided by ComPsych - GuidanceResources

The Living Resources Program, provided by ComPsych - GuidanceResources is available to employees and retirees of the State of Maine, Maine Community College System, Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS), FAME, The Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Maine Maritime Academy and all of their household members. 

The program offers:

Confidential, Short-Term Counseling Services

This no-cost counseling service can help with issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, grief, etc.

Legal and Financial Information, Support and Resources

Speak with professionals by phone on a wide range of issues including family law, real estate transactions, debt consolidation, taxes, etc.

Work-Life Solutions

Work-Life specialists are available to do research and provide qualified referrals for child and older adult care, moving and relocation, college planning and much more!

Back to School Support

We understand that sending your children back to school during these unprecedented times can warrant anxiety and stress. Below you'll find resources offered by your Living Resources Program, to help navigate you and your family through these strange times.

Wellness Coaching

Utilize HealthyGuidance® health coaching to help you make positive lifestyle changes. Wellness Coaches cover everything from smoking cessation to health management and more.

Free Online Will Preparation 

Let EstateGuidance® quickly and easily create a will for you online. Allow yourself the peace of mind of knowing your final wishes will be outlined clearly. 

Living Resources Trainings

For upcoming Living Resources trainings that are available to all State Government Employees, please visit the State of Maine Calendar page. To request a live training - visit the forms page and fill out the Living Resources Training Request form.

Upcoming Living Resources Webinars