
Wellness Wallet Pilot Program

The State of Maine will be offering the Wellness Wallet Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) Pilot Program to primary subscribers under the State of Maine Health Plan in 2025. This program was created in response to requests from members seeking alternative ways to access reimbursement for expenses they incur while taking steps to achieve and sustain health, wellness, and well-being.

Open enrollment for the 2025 Wellness Wallet Pilot Program was held from November 8, 2024 through November 22, 2024. All online enrollments were required to be submitted by November 22, 2024 at 10:59 PM ET. 

The 2025 Wellness Wallet Pilot Program will run from January 2 through December 15, 2025. Enrolled members will be eligible to access up to a $100 subsidy for calendar year 2025 on reimbursements for eligible health, wellness, well-being, and lifestyle expenses.

The program application for the 2025 pilot program year is currently closed. Please be on the lookout for the 2025 fall open enrollment period for the 2026 pilot program year!


To be eligible and enrolled in the 2025 Wellness Wallet Pilot Program a State of Maine employee must:

  1. State of Maine employee ‘active’ on the State of Maine Health Plan as the Primary Subscriber. (*Dual Contract employees ‘active’ on the State of Maine Health Plan employees are both eligible to enroll in Wellness Wallet LSA benefit)
  2. Have completed the requirements for the prior year (2024), and/or the current year (2025) Health Premium Credit Program (HPCP) prior to the end of open enrollment. (**Ancillary employer/employees must meet their individual employers Wellness Wallet LSA benefit eligibility requirements)
  3. Have met all the above requirements and completed the Wellness Wallet Pilot Program enrollment application during open enrollment.

All applicants eligibility will be accessed and validated by the State of Maine, Bureau of Human Resources, Office of Employee Health, Wellness, and Workers’ Compensation, and our vendors. Applicants that have met all of the requirements and have confirmed eligibility will receive an email from the Wellness Wallet vendor, ThrivePass, before January 1st with instructions on how to setup your Wellness Wallet profile on the ThrivePass site so you can begin using this benefit.


How the Program Works:

Starting in January 2025, eligible enrolled members will see $100 deposited into their Wellness Wallet via their ThrivePass account. Enrolled Wellness Wallet Pilot Program participants will be able to use this benefit in one of two ways:

Through the ThrivePass Marketplace or

Reimbursement for Wellness Wallet Pilot Program approved claims paid out-of-pocket by the enrolled member.

Once enrolled, you will receive an email from ThrivePass in late December 2024 with instructions on how to access the online portal, create your profile, and start using your Wellness Wallet Pilot Program services through ThrivePass.

Important: The email address you enter into the application will be the email address ThrivePass will use to communicate with you and will be used each time to access your ThrivePass Account profile to access the Wellness Wallet. It’s recommended that you use your employer supplied email address when creating your ThrivePass Account.


For questions regarding the Wellness Wallet Pilot Program, please visit our FAQ page or reach out at