USDA Programs Monitored by Maine Department of Education
The Maine Department of Education oversees several USDA Food and Nutrition Services programs and initiatives that provide healthy food to children. Each of these programs helps fight hunger and obesity.
Below are brief descriptions of the programs and initiatives.
If you have any questions regarding any of the Child Nutrition Programs,
please contact a member of the Child Nutrition Staff

Afterschool Snack Service
The program offers afterschool snacks to children participating in structured educational programs. Schools with more than 50% free and reduced students provide snacks for free to any participating student.

Breakfast Programs
The School Breakfast Program helps to increase breakfast participation and acknowledge the importance of breakfast in improving learning.

Child & Adult Care Food Program
This program ensures that nutritious meals and snacks are served to eligible children and adults in qualifying care facilities.

Culinary Classroom
The Culinary Classroom promotes scratch cooking throughout all Child Nutrition programs. We offer the opportunity to brush up on your culinary skills or learn new ones. Recipes, instructional videos, and more can be found here.

Farm & Sea to School
The Farm and Sea to School Program promotes the use of Maine-grown, raised, and caught ingredients in delivering meals to students throughout the state. Harvest of the Month program information is found here.

Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP)
FFVP provides fresh fruit and vegetables to children outside school meals, often served as a snack. This program has helped students try new foods and increase their daily consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Lunch Program
The National School Lunch Program provides low-cost or free healthy meals to children. Schools must follow federally established guidelines.

Summer Food Service (SFSP)
The National School Lunch Program provides low-cost or free healthy meals to children. Schools must follow federally established guidelines.
- Preoperational Worksheet
- SFSP Training Checklist
- Two Week Visit Form

Food Distribution Program (USDA)
The USDA Foods Program support domestic nutrition programs and American agricultural producers through purchases of 100% American-grown and produced foods.

Culturally Diverse Culinary Resources
Culturally diverse videos, recipes, and resources for Maine schools and Child and Adult Care Programs.
- Halal Foods Fact Sheet
- CICN: Implementation of Culturally Inclusive Schools Meals
- Culinary Classroom Culturally Diverse Video Playlist

Harvest of the Month
The Maine Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a campaign that helps to promote the use of seasonally available, local products in schools, institutions, and communities.
Other Child Nutrition Resources
- Healthier School Day Students are getting healthier and more nutritious food in school. Thanks to the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, improvements are being made across the country to transform school food and to promote better nutrition and reduce obesity. Use this link to access the School Day Just got Healthier Campaign.
- Special Milk Program Provides milk to children in schools and nonprofit summer camps who do not participate in other federal meal service programs. The program provides reimbursement for the milk they serve to children.
- Team Nutrition (TN) An initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for food service, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity.