
If you have questions regarding your claim, please contact a member of the CACFP Child Nutrition staff.

Click here to access CNP web

In order to receive reimbursement, institutions must have an approved agreement with the Maine Department of Education (MDOE). Reimbursement is calculated using the number reimbursable meals by type (breakfast, lunch, supper and snack) multiplied by the applicable income eligibility based rate per meal. Congress set the reimbursement rates which are updated yearly.

  • Day Care Homes are reimbursed for both meals served and a portion of administrative cost.
  • Center programs are reimbursed for meals served based on their percentages of free, reduced-price, and paid eligible participants.
  • For-profit Centers can only claim reimbursement for months when at least 25% of their enrolled participants (or 25% of its licensed capacity, whichever is less) are eligible for free and reduced-price meal benefits.

Accurate and complete claims for reimbursement are submitted to MDOE-Child Nutrition monthly on the proper reimbursement forms. They should be submitted as early as possible following the last day of the month.  Claim forms must be received or postmarked no later than 60 calendar days after the last day of the claim month. There is an exception to the is rule that can occur once every three years. In order to receive this exception institutions must receive prior approval from MDOE and with CACFP staff to create and implement a corrective action plan to prevent future occurrences.

If adjustments need to be made to a claim after it has been received by MDOE, revisions must be received within the 60-day deadline. Claims for reimbursement will be paid within 45 days from when it was received.  If an incomplete or the claim must be revised, MDOE will advise on how the claim can be corrected.

Claims for reimbursement and supporting documentation (menus, portion menus, receipts and invoices for food supplies, Income Eligibility forms, attendance records, POS meal count records) must be kept on file for 3 years plus the current year.  

CACFP Reimbursement Rates July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
Per meal rates in Whole or Fractions of US Dollars

Rates Breakfast Lunch & Supper Snack
Free $2.37 $4.33 $1.21
Reduced $2.07 $4.03 $0.60
Paid $0.39 $0.42 $0.11

CIL: $0.30 

Tier 1  
Breakfast $1.66
Lunch & Supper $3.15
Snack $0.93


Tier II  
Breakfast $0.30
Lunch & Supper $1.90
Snack $0.26


Administrative Reimbursement rates for Sponsoring Organizations of Family Child Care Providers.
Home rate are per home//per month

Home Rates  
Initial 50 $147.00
Next 150 $112.00
Next 800 $87.00
Each Add $77.00


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