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Site Location of Development (Site Law)
Municipal information
Statutory sections
Supplemental information
Applications filed with the Bureau of Land Resources must be submitted electronically. Find out more.
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This law requires review of developments that may have a substantial effect upon the environment. These types of development have been identified by the Legislature, and include developments such as projects occupying more than 20 acres, large structures and subdivisions, and oil terminal facilities. A permit is issued if the project meets applicable standards addressing areas such as stormwater management, groundwater protection, infrastructure, wildlife and fisheries, noise, and unusual natural areas.
The applicant for a new Site Law development is required to attend a pre-application meeting. This meeting is an opportunity for the applicant to determine the requirements that apply to the project. The meeting with licensing staff is intended to help identify issues, processing times, fees, and the types of information and documentation necessary for the DEP to properly assess the project. Pre-application meetings are available on request when they are not required.
Certain exemptions apply. The Site Law applies in organized areas for purposes of all types of development, and in unorganized areas for purposes of oil terminal facilities.
Contacts (licensing)
Have a question or need more information? Use the links below to find out more or connect with DEP staff.
Most Land Bureau inquiries can be made using one of the fillable forms above. Submitting the online form ensures that your inquiry, complaint or request for information will be viewed and responded to as soon as possible by a Bureau staff person. Because of the high volume of inquiries, it may take several days for you to receive a response or follow up.
Statutory sections
Maine Legislature, Maine Revised Statutes
Title 38, Chapter 3, §§ 481-490
Department of the Secretary of State
- 342. Significant Groundwater Wells
- 371. Definitions
- 372. Policies and Procedures under the Site Location Law
- 373. Financial Capacity Standard of Site Location Law
- 375. No Adverse Environmental Effect Standard of Site Location Law
- 376. Soil Types Standard of the Site Location Law
- 377. Review of Roads under Site Location of Development Law
- 380. Long-term Construction Projects under the Site Location of Development Act
- 500 Stormwater Management
- 502 Direct Watersheds of Lakes Most at Risk from Development
- Site Law application (pdf)
- Siting certification for small-scale wind energy developments (pdf)
- Condition compliance form (pdf)
- Notification of non-juridictional subdivision with conservation easement (pdf)
- Notification of exempt clustered subdivision with conservation easement (pdf)
- Application for minor revision (pdf)
- Roundwood notice form (pdf)
- Special condition for third party inspection program (pdf) Includes Suggested format for 3rd party compliance inspection form.
- Stormwater pre-application form (pdf)
- Five-year recertification for long-term maintenance of stormwater management systems (pdf)
- Transfer form (pdf)
- Site Law Certification Form (pdf)
Municipal information
- Delegated authority; municipal capacity (pdf) -- list of towns (pdf file)
- Municipal Review of Development forms (for municipalities)
Supplemental information
- Long Creek Watershed Development Project Fees and Considerations
- Essential wildlife habitat (Endangered Species Act) (off-site). Once an area becomes designated as Essential Habitat, no state agency or municipal government may permit, license, fund or carry out projects that would significantly alter the habitat or violate protection guidelines adopted for the habitat.
- Site Location of Development Pre-Application Meetings (Fact Sheet) (pdf)
- Lake Stormwater Phosphorus Compensation Fee Program
- Major Projects - A list of certain current and past development projects of interest including some falling under Site Location of Development Law review.
- Wind Energy Development - General information on wind energy developments.