About Us

Senior Staff

denise garland portrait

Denise Garland,
Deputy Commissioner

Victoria Foley portrait

Maureen Terry,
Legislative Affairs and Communications

wade merritt portrait

Wade Merritt,
President of the Maine International Trade Center

brian whitney portait

Brian Whitney,
President of the Maine Technology Institute

Mace portrait

Charlotte Mace,
Director, Office of Business Development


Deborah Johnson,
Director, Office of Community Development

carolann portrait

Carolann Ouellette,
Director, Office of Tourism, Film and Outdoor Recreation

steve lyons portrait

Steve Lyons,
Director, Maine Film Office

Jeff Maccabe

Jeff McCabe,
Director, Office of Outdoor Recreation

Phoenix McLaughlin

Phoenix McLaughlin,
Director of Strategy Implementation

Business Funding. Community Development. Tourism & Film. Maine Branding. International Trade.

At DECD, we are more than two dozen experts whose broad mission is to help communities and businesses prosper through a variety of programs providing everything from targeted tax relief to community block grants to tourism marketing. Whether your business wants to make a film here, bring a Maine-made product to market, expand an aquaculture project, or explore financing when moving a business to our state, our experienced staff can help.

DECD and its partners show companies how to benefit from millions of dollars in tax credits, reimbursements, R & D credits, capital loans, even direct investment. Every year, we help Maine communities attract jobs and grow their infrastructure with unique financing programs.