
Hosting uses a converged virtual server environment, which shares processing power and other resources among a group of physical servers to support many more virtual servers.

  • Server Virtualization improves service and gives increased value for customers in several ways:
    • Virtual servers require considerably less total physical space and energy consumption than physical servers, saving money and reducing the states carbon footprint
    • MaineIT manages multiple servers as clusters standardizing updates, maintenance and other operating procedures
    • The system design allows for greater fluctuation in demand from individual systems within a cluster


#Virtual CPUs Up to 2
Memory Up to 4 GB
Storage Up to 100 GB of local disk space for customer applications, operating system and page file within the server
  • Network connection(s)
  • Facilities management (secure datacenter, uninterruptible power supplies, generators, temperature controlled physical environment)
  • Primary and secondary server administration and support
  • All MaineIT overhead costs (facilities, personnel, etc.); 24 x 7 data center monitoring/coverage
  • Management of upgrades (patches) and technical support for the operating system
  • Server virus protection
  • Initial Vendor installation assistance for installing application
  • Monitoring of all hardware (with and server functionality and log monitoring available upon request)
  • Operating system backup
  • Purchase of servers and contract/supplier management

Service Level Targets & Availability

The standard production published service level agreement can be viewed at the following link:  http://www.maine.gov/oit/services/FAQ-Help/Standard-SLA.html

A formal SLA has not been developed specific to this service.

Default coverage is 7AM – 5PM, Monday – Friday. 24x7 coverage is available for systems with a specific need for this type of coverage. MaineIT needs to receive a written business justification. Once justification has been approved, MaineIT will work with the business on a service level agreement for the specific systems. Additional charges associated with extended coverage will be defined in the SLA.

Service Rates: Please see the MaineIT Rate Table 

Options Available for Additional Charge:

  • All project work is billable
  • All audit related work is billable
  • All costs associated with Indefinite Hold requests will be direct billed
  • Any storage above the 100GB at the hyper-converged storage published hyper-converged storage rate per gigabyte per month
  • Additional Virtual CPUs – $150/mo. for each vCPU
  • Additional Virtual Memory – $7/mo. for each GB
  • The hyper-converged environment provides multiple disk to disk backups with redundancy between two data centers. If customer requires backup other than what exists, the charge will be cloud vendor service rate plus the charge from the remote vendor plus necessary bandwidth

See the MaineIT Rate Table 

Customers (users) responsibilities

  • Individual users follow state IT use rules and policies, including all security policies
  • A contact person and backup are designated to interface with the MaineIT team
  • Any issues or problems with this service are reported to the MaineIT team as promptly and with as complete information as possible
  • Billing for services will start as of the time the ticket is received for the request for any production service
  • If a test environment is requested, those services will be billed upon receiving the ticket for the request
  • A ticket needs to be received to remove the service for it not to be billed
  • No credits will be processed without a ticket

Virtualization entails swapping out physical servers and bringing them into virtual server clusters. Though these clusters also reside on physical equipment, the system design puts many former physical servers onto one VM machine, which uses far less space and energy than the combination of physical servers it has replaced. The group of servers is also managed more efficiently for activities such as testing, security, routine maintenance and upgrades.

Having groups of servers sharing resources in a cluster gives MaineIT a great deal more flexibility in responding to fluctuations or increases in demand.

Physical servers must be checked carefully for compatibility and up to date upgrades and software versions before the conversion is made.

To get help or order this service

  • Call MaineIT Service Center at 624-7700
  • Enter a Footprints service request assigned to MaineIT Application Server