About Us

MaineIT Building
51 Commerce Drive in Augusta, Maine, headquarters of MaineIT

The State of Maine Office of Information Technology (OIT), also known as MaineIT, has over 500 IT professionals supporting 14 State Agencies and over 11,000 state employees, working to provide secure, efficient, and accurate information technology to the citizens of Maine.

In January 2005, MaineIT was created by Executive Order, consolidating functions, staff, and equipment from the Bureau of Information Services and all Executive Branch Agencies. The consolidation was done to promote statewide information technology solutions and use of information efficiently across government. Since the consolidation, MaineIT has been delivering the full range of technology services to the Executive Branch, and selected services (such as e-mail and network support) to non-Executive Branch agencies.

MaineIT provides essential technology support and strategic leadership for 11,000 Executive Branch employees, 14 Cabinet-level departments, and all the smaller Executive Branch Agencies. It also provides network support for the Judicial Branch, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. It supports Maine Citizens through the Maine.gov web portal, and the MSCommNet public safety radio communications network, among other services.