Subsurface Wastewater Disposal and Waste Discharge Licensing

The Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for protecting ground water quality though its waste discharge licensing program. In general, there are two groups of discharges for which subsurface waste discharge licenses are issued: non-domestic subsurface wastewater disposal systems and municipal subsurface wastewater disposal systems.

Non-domestic Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems

A waste discharge license from the DEP is required for the subsurface disposal of non-domestic wastewater -- wastewater from commercial, industrial or residential sources which has constituents unlike that of or of significantly higher strength than that of domestic wastewater. The DEP has issued six waste discharge licenses for subsurface waste water disposal for the following facilities:

  • Commercial car wash [Please note: The Department has determined that new subsurface discharges from commercial car wash facilities cannot be licensed due to an inability to demonstrate that groundwater standards will be met. New commercial car wash facilities should only be located in sewered areas.];
  • Commercial egg production facility where egg washing occurs;
  • Salmon butchering and packing facility;
  • Drinking water treatment facility discharging filter backwash water; and
  • Septage processing facility to dispose of septage leachate.

With the exception of the facilities listed above, the DEP continues to evaluate non-domestic, subsurface discharges on a case-by-case basis regarding the need for a license. In making these decisions, the DEP considers the volume, constituents and pollutant concentrations of the wastewater, the impact of the wastewater on groundwater quality, and available treatment technologies.

Individuals operating businesses which generate non-domestic wastewater and who are discharging or planning to discharge this wastewater to a subsurface system should contact Gregg Wood, e-mail, telephone: 207-287-7693.

License Application Forms for Non-domestic Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems (first time and renewal, file both)

NOTE: If using a form in Microsoft Word (msword), please note that altered forms will not be accepted. Extending the length of a form so that more information may be included is not considered an alteration.

Fee Information - Waste Discharge License Fees

Municipal Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems

Publicly-owned treatment works -- known by their initials "POTW" -- include any municipal or quasi-municipal sewer or wastewater treatment system. The majority of POTWs are licensed by the DEP to discharge their wastewater to rivers in the state, but about a dozen municipalities discharge this wastewater into subsurface disposal systems. These subsurface POTWs are also licensed and regulated by the DEP.

Questions about municipal subsurface waste discharge licensing should be directed to Gregg Wood, e-mail, telephone: 207-287-7693.

License Application Forms for Municipal Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems (first time and renewal, file all three)

NOTE: If using a form in Microsoft Word (msword), please note that altered forms will not be accepted. Extending the length of a form so that more information may be included is not considered an alteration.

Fee Information - Waste Discharge License Fees