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The Underground Storage Tanks (UST) program within the Bureau of Remediation and Waste Management is dedicated to preventing leaks and spills from underground storage tanks. The program fulfills various functions to assist UST owners and operators, installers and inspectors, and the public.
For more information regarding program functions, please call (207) 287-7688 and ask for the appropriate staff person below, or click on their name to send them a message.
UST Compliance
UST program staff perform a variety of tasks to ensure that tanks are installed, operated, maintained and closed in compliance with state law and the Department’s Rules. Their duties include inspecting facilities, reviewing annual inspections and other facility information, taking enforcement actions and developing training and outreach materials for UST operators and others. Staff maintain a database of registered underground oil storage facilities, and can provide guidance on how to operate a facility in compliance.
Butch Bowie, Compliance Unit Manager
Amanda Braley
Kailee Mullen
Nhu Vo
Jay Sequeira
UST Registration
UST program staff review registration materials submitted by the regulated community for the repair, upgrade, installation and removal of underground oil storage tanks and ancillary equipment. Staff review these documents to ensure they meet the requirements of Chapter 691 of the Department’s Rules for Underground Oil Storage Facilities. Staff also review proposed underground storage tank installations requiring site review under 38 M.R.S. Section 563-C.
Dan Wehr
Jamie Hoover
Stacy Ladner
Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers
The Board certifies underground oil tank installers and inspectors based on their knowledge of installation, inspection and removal practices. The Board also provides continuing education for recertification and undertakes disciplinary action on certified persons when needed. The Board's staff are located at the Department office. However, since the Board has its own enabling statute and rulemaking authority, it is an agency separate from DEP.
Technical Assistance
Staff in the Division of Technical Services administer the Department's Home Heating Oil Tank Replacement program and the state's Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) program, and provide technical assistance to Department staff, UST and AST communities and the public. Staff duties include reviewing SPCC plans and applications relative to the wellhead protection law, investigating UST facility leaks and visiting UST, AST, SPCC or hazardous materials sites to provide technical assistance.
Tim MacMillan Environmental Engineering Services Manager
David McCaskill