DEP grant proposals now being accepted for municipal culvert and stream crossing projects

September 1, 2020

Contact: David Madore, Communications Director (207) 287-5842 or John Maclaine, Non-Point Source Training Coordinator (207) 615-3279

AUGUSTA, September 1, 2020 - The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is administering $5 million dollars in a single round of grant funding to assist municipalities with stream crossing upgrades and replacements. These monies fund competitive grants that match local funding for the upgrade of municipal culverts at stream crossings which to date has resulted in financial assistance to over 100 projects statewide. The projects awarded will provide public infrastructure benefits by replacing culverts that are currently failing and at risk of complete washouts, opens or improves fish spawning habitat, eliminates undersized and other impassable culverts and reduces some of the worst erosion impacts to streams, brooks, and lakes. The grant RFP application is available starting September 1, 2020, with proposals due by November 16, 2020.

To help municipalities and others involved with these projects better understand the grant program and requirements, a pre-recorded online workshop is now available. This workshop is highly recommended for anyone applying for a grant and is available on the DEP's Stream Crossing Grants Program web page:

The RFP, Application, Question & Answer Summary, and other information related to this RFP can be obtained at the following website: