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July 12, 2016
IFW News -- IFW to Host Family Field Day on Swan Island
AUGUSTA, Maine -- On Saturday, July 30 from 7:30 a.m. ? 4:30 p.m., join staff for a fun day of hands-on learning on Swan Island in the Kennebec River. This event is designed to provide fun and learning for the whole family. Activities include fly fishing, archery, geocaching, orienteering, ATVs, trapping, air gun range, paddling, a working dog demonstration and more! All equipment and instruction will be provided.
The cost to attend is $5.00 per person or $20.00 for a family. Participants will be able to complete six 50-minute sessions on topics of their choosing with a break for lunch. This event is also a perfect opportunity to explore the island, a great place to hike, camp, and watch wildlife!
Ferry rides are provided to and from Swan Island. Participants are strongly urged to arrive early for the event.
Registration is required; materials are available online at http://bit.ly/swanislandfieldday16
General Information about Swan Island Swan Island, known for its abundant and often quite visible wildlife, is actually an abandoned 18th and 19th century town called Perkins Township, and has long been recognized for its varied and interesting history. There are five standing homes that date back to the 1700s. The wildlife management area, about 1,755 acres in size, is located in the Kennebec River between the towns of Richmond and Dresden. The Island's public visitation season generally runs from May 15th through Labor Day (with limited access through the fall). There are ten Adirondack type shelters available for overnight use; picnic facilities for day use; modern bathroom facilities at campground; and drinking water.
If you wish to visit the Swan Island Wildlife Management Area, you must make reservations for the ferry and/or campground. You may access the island, for day use, via personal canoe or kayak without a reservation; admission fees may be deposited in iron rangers. All visitor fees are as follows: day use, 5 years and under ? free; 6 years and older - $ 8.00. For overnight camping, 5 years and under ? free; 6 years and older - $8.00 plus $20 per site per night. Please visit our website at www.maine.gov/swanisland for more information and details about the island; or call 547-5322, and like us on Facebook!
Swan Island, the Steve Powell Wildlife Management Area, is owned and maintained by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Its operation and maintenance are supported by your fees as well as revenue from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, and federal monies under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program.