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October 21, 2015
IFW News -- Youth Deer Day is Saturday, October 24
AUGUSTA, Maine ? This Saturday, youth deer hunters across the state get their own day to hunt deer.
?Youth day is a wonderful way to introduce a young hunter to Maine?s deer hunting heritage,? said Chandler Woodcock, Commissioner, Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. ?Hunting is an ideal tool to teach children about conservation, responsibility, patience and respect for our natural resources.?
Youth hunters who possess a junior hunting license and are 10 or older and younger than 16 (either resident or non-resident) can hunt deer on this day if they are under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian or a qualified adult. Any person who accompanies a junior hunter other than that parent or guardian must either possess a valid hunting license or have successfully completed a hunter safety course. A qualified adult is a person at least 18 years of age approved by that youth hunter?s parent or guardian, and this person must hold a valid Maine hunting license or have successfully completed a hunter safety course. The accompanying adult cannot possess a firearm.
The junior hunter on this day can take one deer of either sex only in those Wildlife Management Districts where Any Deer permits were issued. In WMDs where there are no Any Deer permits issued, hunters may only take an antlered deer. All laws pertaining to hunting during the open firearms season on deer apply on the youth deer day.
Hunters can also transfer their Any Deer permits or Bonus Deer Permit to a junior hunter, or any other hunter. Certain restrictions apply, including that a resident permit may only be transferred to another resident, and a nonresident permit may only be transferred to another nonresident. This transfer can be done online until 11:59 p.m. October 30, 2015.
For more information on how to swap or transfer your permit, please visit http://www.maine.gov/ifw/licenses_permits/lotteries/anydeer/#swap