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February 22, 2014
Overnight Search in Eddington
Last night the Maine Warden Service responded to Eddington to assist in the rescue of 3 Boy Scouts as well as two Boy Scout leaders who were stranded on the side of Black Cap Mountain. Earlier in the day, the Scouts had gone on a hike from Camp Roosevelt to Black Cap Mountain on what is locally referred to as the Blue Trail. After reaching the top of Blackcap Mountain they started back toward camp. While coming down the mountain they mistakenly ventured off the trail. They continued downhill searching for the trail but got to a point where they were stranded, unable to go any further down or back up from where they came.
Once the Boy Scouts became overdue from their return time, Scout leaders Tom Turlo and Jim Collins went looking for them. They eventually located the three boys on the side of the mountain but they themselves became stranded and called 911 at approximately 7:30 P.M. Six game wardens and several firefighters from both the Holden and Eddington Fire Departments responded to the scene. It was quickly determined that professional climbers would be required to conduct the rescue. Chris Weibusch, Al Simons, and Steve Hudson of MDI Search and Rescue as well Jon Tierney of Acadia Mountain Guides were called to the scene.
In a joint rescue effort, three game wardens made it to the stranded party after coming from the top of the mountain down to their location. They found that the two adults were at the highest elevation with two of the boys below them and a third boy at a lower elevation. All the Scouts were within voice contact of each other. Fire department personnel and another game warden responded to the bottom of the mountain and the warden was able to make his way up to the two boys at the middle elevation.
Everyone stayed in place until the climbers could be ferried into the scene. They soon were able to climb up to the boys and then began to methodically lower everyone one at a time until all were safe. The last person was lowered off the mountain at approximately 1:00 A.M. this morning. The Boy Scouts were evaluated by medical personnel on scene. Other than being cold they suffered no injuries and did not require further treatment.
The Maine Warden Service wishes to recognize the outstanding rescue efforts by the members of MDI Search and Rescue as well as John Tierney.