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January 27, 2014
Sinclair Snowmobiling Incident
SINCLAIR (T17 R4 WELS) ? January 26, 2014: At approximately 0106 on the morning of Sunday, January 26, the State Police barracks in Houlton received a call reporting two snowmobilers had driven their snowmobiles into open water in Sinclair. Caleb Fernald (24) and Jake Deschaine (25) were each operating a snowmobile when they entered into the open water.
The open water is the thoroughfare between Long Lake and Mud Lake and is typically open water throughout the winter. The depth of the water where the snowmobiles entered is approximately 3-5 feet deep. Both snowmobile operators were able to crawl onto the ice and walk to a near-by residence where assistance was rendered.
Wardens were less than five minutes from the incident and were on scene shortly after the call. Both men are from the Brewer area and not very familiar with the geography of Long Lake. Both snowmobiles were still in the water at daylight and arrangements are being made by the owners to have them removed. Both men were charged with Operating a Snowmobile Under the Influence.
(Attached photo courtesy of the Maine Warden Service. Photo shows both submerged snowmobiles with only the windshield visible.)