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September 13, 2013
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Maine Warden Service
--For Immediate Release--
BENTON, MAINE ? September 13, 2013: The Maine Warden Service continues their search in Benton for Arthur Wakeman. He is 86-years-old and left his residence Wednesday, September 11 located at 344 East Benton Road sometime between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Wardens were notified that he was missing at 8:15 PM on the 11th. Arthur is wearing blue jeans and a plaid shirt and likely has his walking stick with him. Warden Service received two credible sightings of Wakeman on Wednesday the 11th. The first being in the afternoon on East Benton Road and another possible sighting of Wakeman on the Hanscom Road later on in the evening. Both sightings were from area witnesses.
Roadblocks were established late yesterday afternoon to advise area motorists and to distribute literature regarding the search for Wakeman. Maine state troopers and game wardens performed house to house informational interviews in the area yesterday. Canine teams were utilized until about midnight last night with no clues found. The attached photograph of Arthur shows him with a beard which we now know is currently shaved off.
A total of approximately 65 *MASAR (see below) volunteer searchers, State troopers, fire/rescue personnel, and game wardens were utilized in yesterday?s efforts. Today?s efforts will likely have similar numbers. Warden Service aircraft and a Maine First Service helicopter will also be utilized today weather permitting. A command post has been established at the Albion Fire Department. If anyone has seen Arthur within the last 24-hours or has information related to Wakeman?s walking habits please call the Augusta State Police Communication Center at 624-7076.
*The Maine Association for Search and Rescue (MASAR) is a non-profit organization that promotes and develops search and rescue resources for the state of Maine. MASAR provides training and certification for search and rescue volunteers using nationally-recognized standards. See mainesearchandrescue.org for more information.
(Attached photo of Arthur Wakeman courtesy of the Maine Warden Service)
Please direct media related calls to Corporal John MacDonald by calling: Public Safety Dispatch in Gray at 207-657-3030 Email at: john.macdonald@maine.gov