July 27, 2013


Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Maine Warden Service

--For Immediate Release--

MAINE WARDEN SERVICE ? JULY, 27, 2013: The search continues for Geraldine Largay. Today there are approximately 130 searchers taking part in today?s search effort. Searchers include Maine game wardens, their ATV?s, K9?s, and aircraft, Maine forest rangers, *MASAR members including a horseback search team, US Border Patrol, and members of the Civil Air Patrol with their CAP helicopter.

*The Maine Association for Search and Rescue (MASAR) is a non-profit organization that promotes and develops search and rescue resources for the state of Maine. MASAR provides training and certification for search and rescue volunteers using nationally-recognized standards. See mainesearchandrescue.org for more information.

(Attached: Recent photo of Geraldine Largay courtesy of the Maine Warden Service.)