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March 27, 2020
MDIFW NEWS: Governor Mills, Commissioner Camuso Extend Boating Registration Renewal Period
AUGUSTA, Maine - Governor Janet Mills today directed Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Commissioner Judy Camuso to allow boaters to operate without a current 2020 registration and milfoil sticker until April 30, 2020. Boat registrations normally expire at the end of each calendar year.
"With some town offices closed, and state offices closed to walk-in business due to the civil state of emergency, it made sense to relax the registration requirement until we can work out the all the logistical details," said MDIFW Commissioner Judy Camuso.
The Department is providing more time and some additional methods for you to apply for a new boat registration or renew an expired one. The easiest way to renew your boat registration is online at mefishwildlife.com, but not all towns have signed up with the state's internet vendor, InforME, to do registrations.
Here are a few suggestions from the Department to help you get your boat registered for the 2020 season.
First time boat registrations cannot be completed online, they must be done at the town office so the town can collect sales, and excise tax. Registrants should call their town office to see if they are open, and possibly register their boat with the town office through the postal system.
If you cannot register your boat online or at the town office, MDIFW will work with you to register your boat.
If you just purchased a new boat from a dealer, you should have a temporary registration that is good for 20 days.
The Department is looking for additional ways to assist boaters with registrations during the civil state of emergency for the most up to date information please contact MDIFW at 207-287-8000.