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April 19, 2019
MDIFW NEWS: Game Wardens and Warden K9 Locate Missing 79-year-old Bridgton Man Late Last Evening
For Immediate Release: April 19, 2019
BRIDGTON, Maine -Game Warden Tim Coombs, Game Warden Lucas Bellanceau and his K9 Breezy rescued a missing 79-year-old Bridgton man with dementia last night. Ralph Knight was found a half mile behind his home disoriented and suffering from advanced stages of hypothermia after spending several hours in a steady drizzle and 38 degree temperatures.
"It's likely Mr. Knight might not have made it through the night if we did not find him when we did," said Game Warden Bellanceau.
After being last seen around 2:00 yesterday afternoon, Knight was reported missing by his wife just after 5:00 yesterday afternoon. The Cumberland County Sheriffs office initially responded to the call, and contacted the Maine Warden Service for assistance at approximately 8:00 p.m. after it became clear that Knight may be in the woods. The Bridgton Police and Bridgton Fire Department also assisted with last nights rescue.
Once on scene, Game Wardens Coombs and Bellanceau, along with Bellanceaus K9 Breezy, were able to track and locate Knight at approximately 10:00 p.m. in the woods approximately mile away from his home on Kansas Road.
Due to Knights advanced stage of hypothermia, he was taken by ambulance to Bridgton Hospital.