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February 25, 2019
MDIFW NEWS -- Massachusetts man dies following February 22 snowmobile crash
[MDIFW NEWS: February 25, 2019] A Massachusetts man has died following a February 22 snowmobile crash. In a previous MDIFW news release from February 23, it was stated that Duane Carter, 55, of Spencer Massachusetts remained in critical condition at a Bangor Hospital following a crash near Stacyville. Duane Carter has now died.
Carter had been riding with a group on ITS 83, a portion of Swift Brook Road last Friday evening. Carter and a friend, Keith Sanford, 47, from Benedicta, failed to negotiate a curve on the ITS trail. This caused Carter to collide with the rear of Sanford's snowmobile. Carter was thrown from his 2016 Ski Doo. Both men were initially transported to Millinocket Hospital. Carter was then transferred to Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor. This is Maine's seventh fatal snowmobile related crash this season.
The following data represents the last ten snowmobile seasons and includes fatality numbers and registration totals. Also included is Maine's deadliest season on record which occurred in 2002/03 when Maine saw 16 fatal snowmobile crashes. The leading contributing factor in these crashes has been speed, this year is no exception. The Maine Warden Service continues to urge riders to slow down. Riders must leave appropriate time and distances while riding to negotiate other riders, trail intersections and turns as well as obstacles.
10-Year Maine snowmobile fatality statistics
2009/10 3 86k 2010/11 4 91k 2011/12 10 62K 2012/13 2 78K 2013/14 6 81K 2014/15 3 84k 2015/16 5 59k 2016/17 9 85k 2017/18 6 79k 2018/19 5 70k+ (to date)
Maine's highest fatality and registration season was 2002/03 16 107k