Section 2, Adult Family Care Homes (AFCH) – Public Comment Summary with Department Response and Final Draft Rates, CR 116777

In August 2022, the Office of MaineCare Services initiated a rate determination for Section 2, AFCH, with our vendor Burns and Associates and interested stakeholders. We presented our goals for this study and provided an overview of the cost survey. In October 2022, we met with stakeholders to go over the findings of the cost survey and obtain additional feedback. In January 2023 we held a public forum to present the draft rates and methodologies to interested stakeholders and allow for public and written comment. Stakeholders submitted written comments through January 31, 2023.   

A summary of all comments is available on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage, with the Department’s responses explaining whether and how feedback was incorporated into the final proposed rates. MaineCare reviewed all public input and took that input into consideration when making decisions, We thank all those who contributed. 

The final draft rate models are available on the MaineCare Rate System Reform webpage. We are moving forward with the policy adoption process, and once the rates are implemented, we will provide send another message along with billing guidance. The new rates will be effective retroactively to January 1, 2023.

Please watch for future announcements within the next two weeks. You may contact Jessica Levesque, MaineCare’s Rate Setting Project Manager, with any questions on this process.    

This notice is being sent pursuant to Public Law 2021 Chapter 639

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