Bridge Access Covid 19 Vaccine Program

If you have health care coverage through MaineCare, we want to make sure you are aware that Maine residents aged 6 months and older can get an updated COVID-19 vaccine as part of their MaineCare coverage. If you are an adult age 19 and older who is uninsured, or have lost MaineCare and do not have insurance that covers this vaccine, you can still access a COVID-19 vaccine through the Bridge Access Program (PDF). Children under the age of 19 years old who are uninsured or have lost MaineCare and do not have insurance that covers this vaccine can still access a COVID-19 vaccine through the Vaccines for Children Program.

The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective and are the best means of preventing severe disease and death from COVID-19. We encourage individuals over 6 months old to get the vaccine. See for information about COVID-19 vaccines, including frequently asked questions. 

If you have questions about accessing a COVID-19 vaccine through Maine’s Bridge Access Program, please call 207-287-3746 or email 

If you have recently lost your MaineCare coverage, you may qualify for the temporary “Recently lost MaineCare” Special Enrollment Period through, Maine’s Health Insurance Marketplace.