Information for Public Water Systems
What is a Public Water System? Definitions and examples of public water systems and types of public water systems
Contacts for Public Water System Inspectors
Changes to Public Water Systems
COVID-19 Resources for Public Water Systems
Drinking Water Safety Orders Information about the types of drinking water orders that are issued when a threat to the public exists from contamination of a public water system's drinking water
Emergency Response Resources Resources for responding to emergencies, such as severe weather events, loss of pressure/water, treatment failure, and boil water orders.
Financial Resources Funding programs available to public water systems
Forms for Download All DWP forms in one place
Lead in K-12 School Drinking Water
Mapping of Public Water Systems in Maine Mapping of public water system sources and protection areas in Google Earth
MEWARN Maine Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network – a statewide emergency resource network of water and wastewater utilities.
New Well and New Source Approval Steps for obtaining approval of a new public water system, or approval for a new well or new source for an existing public water system
Operator Requirements Licensed water operator requirements for public water systems
Reporting Water test result reporting, monthly operating reports (MORs), consumer confidence reports
Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR)
Rules, Policies, and Regulated Contaminants Links to Federal and State of Maine drinking water statutes, rules, and policies
Water Sampling & Testing Water system sampling, Drinking Water Testing Requirements, how to collect water samples
Seasonal Water Systems Resources for seasonal water systems such as campgrounds, golf courses, sporting camps, and ski areas
Security and Emergency Preparedness Guidance, resources, and information on preparing, implementing, and updating drinking water security and emergency preparedness plans
Source Water Protection Guidance, resources, and information for protecting drinking water sources and preventing contamination
Technical Assistance Information on technical assistance available to public water systems
Treatment Addition, removal, and changes to drinking water treatment, treatment system maintenance, water treatment chemicals, monthly operating reports (MORs), and treatment failures
Violations & Enforcement Types of violations incurred by public water systems: Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) exceedances, failure to monitor and report, and treatment techniques
Water System Inspections Information about the types of on-site inspections conducted at public water systems by Drinking Water Program Field Inspectors
Updated 6/27/2024