Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsChanges to Drinking Water Systems

Drinking Water System Changes


Before modifications are made to any existing public water system in a manner which may affect the quality of water produced, that system must submit an application detailing the proposed changes to the Drinking Water Program for approval.

The Public Water System Change Application is used to capture information necessary for DWP staff to review and approve proposed construction, addition, or alteration at a Public Water System involving the source, treatment, or storage of water.

When requesting review and approval of water system changes, please complete the application and provide applicable information as requested. Not all questions on this application will apply to your project. If a question or request for information is not applicable to the project being reviewed, simply note this on the application.

Public Water System Change Application (pdf)

Large scale projects for which plans and specifications have been prepared by an engineering firm (standpipes/reservoirs, entire treatment plant construction/modification, pump/booster station designs) may submit the prepared plans and specifications in place of the Drinking Water System Change Application. The proposal must include a reason for the project, the estimated project schedule, and a statement by the system's Primary Operator acknowledging approval of the proposed plan.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application process, please contact your Public Water System Inspector or call the DWP main line at (207) 287-2070.

Please note: The Drinking Water Program has 30 days to review your application and provide approval. Submit your application as soon as possible to prevent delaying your anticipated start date. No changes can be made to the water system before written approval is received from the DWP.

This application is not intended for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) projects. For DWSRF projects, submit project plans and specs to the DWP Project Manager for that project. For questions on this, contact Bill Dawson:  Email or phone (207) 287-6196.


Updated 1/5/2023