Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsNew Well and New Source Approval

New Well and New Source Approval

Before construction of a new public water source is initiated, proposed plans must be submitted to the DWP for approval. (22 M.R.S. §2612)

Step 1: Preliminary Approval

Before a new well is drilled, the selected site must be approved by the Drinking Water Program. The State of Maine Rules Relating to Drinking Water establishes a set-back for all wells of at least 300 feet from any potential sources of contamination (such as fuel tanks and leach fields). If site conditions so require, a waiver of this setback requirement may be requested.

Preliminary Approval requires that you submit 3 things:

  1. A Completed Application Form including a description of the facility and questions about the water system.

    Additional Resources for Filling-out the Application:

  2. A Location Map: An "x" drawn on a copy of a USGS topographic map or a map from the Maine Atlas and Gazetteer is sufficient.

  3. A Site Plan: A more detailed map of the well site and public water system property which includes:
    • a scale (1"=100' or larger)
    • potential sources of contamination within at least 300 feet of the well
    • property boundaries
    • a description of land uses on adjacent properties
    • the general slope of land near the well
    • surface water bodies near the well

Step 2: Final Approval

Once drilled, the well must be tested. This involves a pump test and tests of water quality.

Final approval requires:

  1. Well Construction Information: The well driller can provide you with information about the depth of the well, the length of casing, the type and depth of the pump, etc.

  2. Water Quality Data: After a pump test of at least 48 hours, samples must be collected and the water tested to ensure it meets drinking water standards. Contact the Drinking Water Program for a list of the tests required for your type of well.

If you have any further questions, contact your Public Water System Inspector or call the DWP main line, (207) 287-2070.

Additional Resources

Updated 8/19/2024