DHHS → MeCDC → Environmental and Community Health → Drinking Water → Public Water Systems → New Well and New Source Approval
New Well and New Source Approval
Before construction of a new public water source is initiated, proposed plans must be submitted to the DWP for approval. (22 M.R.S. §2612)
Step 1: Preliminary Approval
Before a new well is drilled, the selected site must be approved by the Drinking Water Program. The State of Maine Rules Relating to Drinking Water establishes a set-back for all wells of at least 300 feet from any potential sources of contamination (such as fuel tanks and leach fields). If site conditions so require, a waiver of this setback requirement may be requested.
Preliminary Approval requires that you submit 3 things:
- A Completed Application Form including a description of the facility and questions about the water system.
- Community Public Water System serving 250 or more people (PDF)
- Community Public Water System serving less than 250 people (PDF)
- Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water System (PDF)
- Transient Public Water System (Groundwater Supply) (PDF)
- Transient Public Water System (Surface Water Supply) (PDF)
Additional Resources for Filling-out the Application:
- A Location Map: An "x" drawn on a copy of a USGS topographic map or a map from the Maine Atlas and Gazetteer is sufficient.
A Site Plan: A more detailed map of the well site and public water system property which includes:
- a scale (1"=100' or larger)
- potential sources of contamination within at least 300 feet of the well
- property boundaries
- a description of land uses on adjacent properties
- the general slope of land near the well
- surface water bodies near the well
Step 2: Final Approval
Once drilled, the well must be tested. This involves a pump test and tests of water quality.
Final approval requires:
- Well Construction Information: The well driller can provide you with information about the depth of the well, the length of casing, the type and depth of the pump, etc.
- Water Quality Data: After a pump test of at least 48 hours, samples must be collected and the water tested to ensure it meets drinking water standards. Contact the Drinking Water Program for a list of the tests required for your type of well.
If you have any further questions, contact your Public Water System Inspector or call the DWP main line, (207) 287-2070.
Additional Resources
- Capacity Development
- Engineering Resources
- Financial Resources
- Sourcewater Protection
- Well Types in Maine
- Guidebook for Transient Public Water Systems (PDF)
- Manufactured Housing Communities (PDF)
- Wellhead Protection Plan Template for Small Water Systems (PDF)
- Instructions for Wellhead Protection Plan Template (PDF)
Updated 8/19/2024