Voluntary Response Action Program Public Communication Decision Matrix

The “Voluntary Response Action Program Public Communication Decision Matrix” was developed by a stakeholders group (attorneys, municipal officials, environmental consultants, developers, and Department staff) and has previously been made available for public review and comment. The decision matrix is effective January 1, 2008.

The matrix anticipates that Tier II or Tier III sites will require copies of the VRAP documents being submitted to the appropriate Department regional office and the appropriate municipality’s Code Enforcement Officer (or other similar municipal official) for convenient public viewing (since the VRAP is administered exclusively from the Augusta office of the Department). From our pilot project, the Department anticipates no more than 20-25% of all VRAP projects needing to have a higher level of public communication that will require the distribution of these extra documents. In a typical year, 20-25% means 12 to 15 sites, scattered throughout the state.

Please call Chris Redmond at 215-8597 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the matrix. The Department hopes to inconvenience VRAP applicants as little as possible while providing timely public availability of the documents the Department uses to make decisions at VRAP project properties.

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