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Hartland Solar Facility, Hartland
Applications for Natural Resources Protection Act and Site Location of Development Act Permits
Hartland Solar Facility, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Teichos Energy, is seeking approval under the Site Location of Development Act and Natural Resources Protection Act to construct and operate the Hartland Solar Project in the Town of Hartland. The proposed project will consist of solar arrays capable of generating up to 140 megawatts of alternating electric current. The project also includes the following infrastructure among the solar arrays: new access ways; a 34.5-kV electrical collector; a collector substation adjacent to Burrill Woods Road; a 2.5 mile 115-kV transmission line and new interconnection substation located adjacent to the existing Central Maine Power, Section 82 transmission line.
Applications were accepted for processing on February 21, 2024.
Questions and comments may be sent to Shannon Smith