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How do I learn about Consolidated Organics Collection?
Many communities in Maine now provide public collection kiosks where residents can drop off their food scraps. These kiosks are referred to as "consolidated organics collection" sites, and they help divert significant amounts of organic material from landfills and waste-to-energy incinerators. Keeping organics out of the waste stream is an important priority in Maine's Food Recovery Hierarchy. The goal of the hierarchy is to reduce the amount of food incinerated or disposed of in landfills. Collecting food scraps for delivery to composting or anaerobic digestion facilities reduces the methane that is produced when food scraps are landfilled and ensures that valuable nutrients in the organics are not wasted.
As Consolidated Organics Collection sites are not typically located within an existing permitted solid waste facility, a separate registration form has been created. This form will be used to register all Consolidated Organics Collection locations, except for those located within an existing permitted facility. There is no fee for registration. If you wish to add separate collection of organics at an existing permitted facility, please contact your Solid Materials project manager.
Download Consolidated Organics Collection Registration Form
Interested in learning more, or in diverting organics in your community? Department staff are available to assist local and regional efforts to install food scrap kiosks in your community, or with developing or expanding programs that include waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting programs.
For more information on composting, please contact [Mark King](mailto:Mark.A.King@maine.gov) 207-592-0455.
For more information on registering consolidated organics collection sites, please contact:
- Eric Hamlin (Southern Maine) 207-822-6344
- Michael Parker (Central, Eastern, and Northern Maine) 207-287-7704