Data Reporting Requirements

Save these report forms no earlier than December 31st to be certain you have the latest version.
Old versions will not load into our databases.

286-A (Supplemental Health Insurance Reporting Form)

940 (Health Insurance Annual Data Report)

945 (Maine Annual Report Supplement)

Short Form - Completed by companies with less than $5 million in direct written Health insurance premium for major medical and stop loss combined Long Form - Completed by companies with $5 million or more in direct written Health insurance premium for major medical and stop loss combined

Aggregate Workers' Compensation Benefits Paid Report

Insurance Carrier Aggregate Benefits Paid Report

Self-Insurance Aggregate Benefits Paid Report

    Any Willing Pharmacy - Bulletin 377

    Carrier Report

    Comparable Health Care Service Incentive Program Report 

    Only carriers offering small group plans compatible with a Health Savings Account should file this report. Notices will be sent to those companies that must file it.

    Credit Disability Insurance Experience Report

    Credit Life Insurance Summary Report

    Cybersecurity Information

    Dental Loss Ratios

    Only Companies offering a dental plan in effect during the preceding calendar year should file these reports.

    Employee Benefit Excess Insurance

    Only Companies with written premium for Stop Loss should file this report. Notices will be sent to those companies that must file.

    Fraud and Abuse Annual Report

    Health Plans Providing Prescription Drug Benefits Report

    Only carriers that issue health plans with prescription drug benefits need to complete this form.

    Health Report Card Survey

    Liquor Liability

    Long-Term Care Insurance Reporting (Rule 425)

    Mandated Benefits

    Medical Malpractice Liability Claim Report

    Please EMAIL the report form to the address at the bottom of the document. The current version of the form is dated 6/20/2020

    NQTL Reporting Requirement - 24-A M.R.S. § 4320-T(4)

    Physician Tiering

    P.L. 2023 Chapter 680 Report (Prior Authorizations)

    Self-Insurance Annual Payroll and WC Aggregate Benefits Paid Reports

    Self-Insurance Annual Payroll Report

    Self-Insurance Aggregate Benefits Paid Report

    Tickborne Disease Report

    Title 24-A M.R.S. § 4303-E Report (Denials, Downcoding, Network Data)

    Applies only to health carriers with more than 1,000 Maine covered lives as reported in reports required by Rules 940 and 945. 

    Workers' Compensation Insurance Market Survey

    The documents on this page are also available in hard copy by contacting the Bureau.