Maine Reports and Data Sets

Public Library Annual Report Survey- The information in this report is designed to help librarians and trustees assess how well their libraries are performing, identify areas for improvement and make long range plans. Visit Maine's LibPAS portal to access your library's ten year data history and to create your own custom reports [Word, 613 KB]. You will need your annual report user id and login. Visit the Statistics page for current year statistics by population category

Public Value Statements for Libraries articulate the benefits of library services to the community at large including those who don’t use the library

Public Value Resources Website- A cooperative project of Maine's Cooperative Extension Service and the Maine State Library.


Maine Statistics Portal - links to Maine statistics

Maine Census Data Center- Demographic and economic data for Maine counties and towns

Percentage of Veterans by Town [Excel, 99KB]


Educate Maine advances education policies and practices that prepare Maine students for postsecondary learning and the workforce

Kids Count Data Center - KIDS COUNT tracks the well-being of children in the United States to enrich local, state and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children

Maine Children's Alliance - Our non-profit brings diverse groups together in coalitions to support policy initiatives that benefit children, provide oversight in state policy arenas and serve as a resource on children and family policy issues at the local and national levels

Maine Education Statistics - The Maine Department of Education relies on the data submitted by local school districts to determine the distribution of state and federal education funds, and to help educators improve student outcomes. Some of the data on this page may be password protected

MaineHealth Health Index monitors progress on Maine’s most pressing health priorities. Launched in 2008, the Health Index initiative uses health data to inform the needs and opportunities for improving health across the state

Economic Development

Town Comprehensive Plans - The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry maintains a list of town comprehensive plans. Check here for your towns or search the town's website.

Center for Workforce Research and Information - The Center for Workforce Research and Information develops and disseminates state and area labor market information to employers, job seekers, and other users; provides measurements of labor market outcomes to assist local and state officials, employers, educators, trainers, and the public in making decisions that promote economic opportunity and efficient use of state labor resources; and supports the Department with management and actuarial analyses for program planning and delivery

Charting Maine's Future - Making Headway [PDF, 1,766 KB](Fall, 2012) - report from GrowSmart Maine updating the 2006 study sponsoed by GrowSmart Maine and the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program

Maine's Aging Economy and the Economics of Aging [PDF, 61 KB] - 2006 report from USM Muskie School wiith a 20 year forecast for Maine's future

Maine Development Foundation - The Maine Development Foundation (MDF) drives sustainable, long-term economic growth for Maine. MDF stimulates new ideas, develops leaders, and provides common ground for solving problems and advancing issues

Measures of Growth 2017 [1.7 mb, pdf] - performance measures for Maine's Economy from the Maine Development Foundation and the Maine Economic Growth Council.

Maine Economy at a Glance Bureau of Labor Statistics - Data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics

Maine Nonprofits at Work [PDF, 1,642 KB]- 2015 study of the social and economic impact of Maine's nonproftis by the Maine Association of Non-profits

Maine Unemployment Statistics on December 1, 2016 [Excel, 33 KB]

Municipal Valuation Return Statistical Summary - Part of the State Valuation process includes the preparation of a statistical summary of certain municipal information that must be annually reported to MRS by municipal assessing officials. A wealth of information detailing valuations and exemptions by selected categories, assessment ratios and tax rates, on a town by town basis, is compiled