Planning Partnership Initiative


The Planning Partnership Initiative is intended to address time-sensitive, locally initiated planning and feasibility studies. This work plan sets aside $200,000 in state funding to match a like amount in local funding, annually. The approach is to study, evaluate, plan and scope transportation projects on or adjacent to the state and state aid highway system or for FHWA-eligible trail connections that are requested by a community. These are intended to be an administrative and financial partnership between the community requesting the study and MaineDOT. These are also intended to be simple, flexible, and fast-moving for new economic development and other high-priority proposals. These types of studies will be key in preparing projects for special federal funding applications such as grants under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Some of these may be linked to future Village Partnership Initiative grant applications.

Types of Studies

The following is a list of some of the types of studies that can be conducted under this program:

  • Economic development, land use, and transportation planning
  • Identification and evaluation of potential transportation alternatives
  • Transportation resiliency and transportation greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies
  • Build-out analyses and analysis of transportation impacts of undeveloped or underdeveloped land
  • Multimodal planning efforts to identify transportation deficiencies and strategies to address those deficiencies
  • Conceptual renderings of transportation alternatives
  • Cost estimating for potential future transportation improvements


Planning Partnership Initiative funding is limited, is first come/first serve, and may vary. MaineDOT funding is generally capped at $75,000; therefore, most studies will be $150,000 or less in total cost. Minimum local contributions are typically as follows:

  • Municipal Property Valuation less than $150M, 70% State, 30% Municipal
  • Municipal Property Valuation $150M to $350M, 60% State, 40% Municipal
  • Municipal Property Valuation >$350M, 50% State, 50% Municipal

Other state and/or federal transportation funding may not be used for the local match. The match may, however, include other non-transportation funding sources such as impact fees, TIFs, and CDBG grants.

How to Apply

Applying is as simple as a town official contacting the Planning Partnership Initiative administrator or regional planner in MaineDOT’s Bureau of Planning. We will arrange a time to meet with you and begin a conversation about your vision and how it might fit this program or other programs. Call 207-624-3300.

For more detailed information on this initiative, please review our detailed PPI Project and Grant page