Student Art Exhibits

For over ten years, the Maine Department of Education and the Maine Arts Commission have been fortunate to celebrate arts education by hosting rotating student art exhibits. These exhibits celebrate the high quality of visual art education in Maine.

The Excellence in Maine Visual and Performing Arts Education program includes rotating exhibits displayed throughout the State House complex and in the Department of Education. Each exhibit features three school districts from different regions in Maine. Exhibits will include 63 pieces of student artwork representing a full range of grades from each district.

During the period students’ artwork is displayed, the artists and their families will be invited to the Hall of Flags for a Celebration of Excellence in Visual and Performing Arts Education reception. The First Lady, the Department of Education, and the Maine Arts Commission will recognize each student and their teachers for their accomplishments. The reception will feature performances from the districts represented in the art show.

Please consider submitting your students’ artwork. If you are interested in displaying your student artwork, please contact Beth Lambert, Visual and Performing Arts Specialist, Maine Department of Education at 207-624-6642 or
