Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Team Services (Section TBD) - Rate Study Kickoff Meeting and Staff Survey Overview

As previously shared in our October 13, 2023, bulletin, the Department initiated a rate determination process for a new service model under review for future proposal. As a result of that process, we are now conducting a rate study.

You are receiving this email because we are inviting you to participate in the rate study process for this service.

On March 27, 2024, the Department will host a virtual “kick off” meeting with Palliative Care providers and interested individuals. At this meeting we will review the process and timeline for this study, an overview of the proposed service model, and a staffing survey for current palliative care providers to complete and return by April 24, 2024. 

During the summer of 2024 we will hold another virtual meeting to share the aggregated cost data we receive through the surveys and provide an opportunity for your questions and feedback. Note: no individual provider data will be shared.

As providers and interested parties, your feedback is important. We encourage you to participate in these meetings as we work to develop a MaineCare Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Team Services model and benefit.   

For questions, contact Heather Pelletier, MaineCare’s Palliative Care Program Project Lead. 


OMS Palliative Care (PC) Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) Service Model Update and Rate Determination Kick-Off

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM


Meeting ID: 810 8637 1840