Media Influences on Physical, Mental and Social Health

December 14, 2022, 7:30-8:30 AM 

 Via Zoom Webinar! 

Please Register Here 

The potential links between young people’s media use and their health and well-being came to the forefront during the Covid-19 pandemic. As young people experienced social isolation and utilized digital connections for everything from bedtime stories with grandparents to remote schooling, the positive affordances and negative consequences of such sustained use became top of mind for parents, clinicians, and educators. Participants will learn about the characteristics of the individual and the specific types of digital media use that are linked to positive and negative outcomes related to young people’s physical, social and mental health. Actionable recommendations will be provided for clinicians to help them address the digital well-being of their patients.  

Learning Objectives: 
1. Participants will be able to explain why specific online behaviors and experiences increase adolescent’s risk for depression. 

2. Participants will be able to name the 4 conditions associated with the pneumonic A-SAD that increase an adolescent’s risk for experiencing Problematic Interactive Media Use.  

3. Participants will identify at least 3 risk factors that increase the likelihood that a young person experiences cyberbullying. 

If you have questions, please email Stacey LaFlamme, LSW, Program Manager MPBHP. 


David S. Bickham, PhD 

Research Scientist, Boston Children’s Hospital 

Instructor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School 



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