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Serving Seniors
Beginning in 2011 the first wave of baby boomers will be retiring. Some 76 million Americans will move into retirement healthier, better educated, and more energetic than any previous generation. In a sense they will redefine what “retiring” means. Without a doubt, these individuals as a group, will change our communities and libraries.
Your library can be the “go to place” to support them with books in all formats, magazines, and research along with Internet help and access to the Digital Maine Library.They will ask their library for more programming on topics of interest.
Hopefully, boomers will also offer their services to the library as volunteers. Their diverse work experience will be a windfall to library directors and to the community.Wise library planners and officials will soon realize the clout that boomers wield in the community and will tailor library services to this important group.
Resource Manuals
- Legal Services for the Elderly
- LDE is a nonprofit organization that provides free legal help to disadvantaged seniors. It has been in existence for 40 years and provides services on a statewide basis. LSE recently produced a new online Elder Rights Handbook (see https://www.mainelse.org/handbook) as well as a print version of the handbook.
- Guidelines for Library and Information Services to Older Adults
- The American Library Association has updated these guidelines, first developed in the 1970s, to respond to the changing demographics of an aging U.S. population.
- Keys to Engaging Older Adults @ your library
- Released by ALA in Spring, 2010, this toolkit was created in response to the concerns of librarians across the country who provide services for older adults. It contains valuable advice on programming, accessibility, finding funding, engagement and implementation, model programs, and more. Download in PDF format
- Older Adults & Seniors
- WebJunction has a wide array of resources to assist librarians in creating programming, services, and outreach for older adults.
- Transforming Life After 50: A Resource Guide
- The California State Library designed this initiative to help libraries better serve and engage midlife adults by positioning libraries as catalysts, resources, meeting places, and partners in creating opportunities for mid life adults to learn, teach, lead, build skills, re-career, and become civically-engaged.
- Designs for Change: Libraries and Productive Aging
- A Report of the National Library Leaders Forum 2005, sponsored by Americans for Libraries Council and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Public libraries are uniquely positioned to help accommodate the needs of a huge influx of retired people as the Baby Boomer generation come to the end of their working lives. Research documents the wish of older Americans to remain engaged in the broader world and to continue learning. These adults are resources for our communities and our libraries if librarians can transform their practices and their institutions to provide opportunities and connections to support lifelong learning and civic participation.
[PDF, This file requires the free Adobe Reader]
Senior Volunteers
- 50+Volunteering: Working for Stronger Communities
- This guide from the Points of Light Foundation shows how to strengthen communities by involving baby boomers, older adults, and all others in meaningful volunteer opportunities.
Model Library Programs for Older Adults
- Brooklyn Public Library (Brooklyn, NY - Services to the Aging)
- Brooklyn Public Librarys Service to the Aging program provides library programs and resources to older adults and the homebound throughout Brooklyn. Services to the Aging programs provide access to meaningful activities, opportunities for self-expression and vital connections with the outside world.
Web Tools
An online destination for
those seeking information and support as they care for aging parents,
spouses, and other loved ones. Their mission is to help the
helpers by equipping family caregivers to make better decisions, save
time and money, feel less alone,and less stressed as they
face the many challenges of caregiving.
Senior Reference
- University of Maine Center on Aging
- The Center on Aging is a university-wide, interdisciplinary center specializing in aging education, research and community service. The mission of the Center is to promote and facilitate activities on aging in the areas of education, research and evaluation, and community service to maximize the quality of life of older citizens and their families in Maine and beyond.
- The Savvy Senior
- A national information service devoted to older Americans and the families who support them.
- Senior Citizen Resources: Maine State Government
- This site provides a full range of resources for seniors.
Additional Reading:
- Achenbaum, W. Andrew. Older Americans, Vital Communities: A Bold Vision of Societal Aging. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
- Ahlvers, Alicia. “Older Adults and Reader’s Advisory.” Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 45, # 4 Summer, 2006. Pp. 305-312.
- Dilger-Hill, Jeannie and Erica MacCreaigh, eds. On the Road With Outreach. Libraries Unlimited, 2009.
- Honnold, RoseMary and Saralyn A. Mesaros. Serving Seniors: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians. Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2004.
- Mates, Barbara T. 5-Star Programming and Services for Your 55+ Library Customers. ALA Editions, 2003.
- Osborne, Robin, ed. From Outreach to Equity: Innovative Models of Library Policy and Practice. ALA, Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, 2004.
- Schull, Diantha Dow and Pauline Rothstein, eds. Boomers and Beyond: Reconsidering the Role of Libraries. ALA, 2010.
- Schull, Diantha Dow. 50+ Services: Innovations in Action. ALA, forthcoming Fall 2011.