Bomb Threat Leads to State House Evacuation
On Friday, March 8, 2024, a threat was emailed to a legislative member. The threats were made towards two legislators, the State House and the Maine Democratic Party located at 320 Water Street in Augusta. The Maine Capitol Police was made aware of the threat at approximately 7:15 am. At that point the Capitol Police temporarily shut down and evacuated the Capitol building. There were approximately 100 people in the building at the time. No one was injured. K9 teams from the Maine State Police Bomb Unit responded to clear the Capitol. Capitol Police also coordinated with the Augusta Police Department and other local agencies to clear the Water Street location and homes of the two legislators. There were no explosives found at any location and the threat was deemed to be a hoax.
Shannon Moss
Public Information Officer
Maine Department of Public Safety
45 Commerce Drive. Augusta, ME 04333
Cell 207.530.3602