Chief's Message
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official website of the Maine Capitol Police. It is our honor to serve the people of the State of Maine in our capacity as guardians of the democratic process at the State House and State Capitol region. The dedicated men and woman of the Capitol Police take their charge with tremendous diligence and professionalism. Many of our officers come to our service after honorably completing a previous law enforcement career. Amongst our staff are retired municipal police chiefs, troopers, and retired ranking officers from other Central Maine municipal police agencies. This extensive experience brings a high level of occupational knowledge and maturity which we leverage every day, addressing a wide range of sensitive and complicated matters we encounter at the State House and beyond.
The Capitol Police is a Bureau of the Maine Department of Public Safety. Our officers are empowered with statewide jurisdiction as our role and responsibilities have expanded substantially over time. On occasion, our duties can stretch to every corner of the Pine Tree State and beyond. Our operational philosophy is one of professional excellence through integrity, transparency, and compassion for the people we serve. The Capitol Police strongly honors the sanctity of all human life and we conduct ourselves with that at our foundation.
We are in the constant process of self-evaluation, maintaining what works best and modifying that which does not. We pledge to acknowledge mistakes and vow to learn from them. These commitments allow us to constantly grow as a professional organization. I hope you find the information and services presented on the various pages of this site helpful for your needs. We encourage feedback.
Best regards,
Matthew M. Clancy
Chief of Police
About Chief Matthew Clancy
Chief Clancy was appointed Bureau Chief of the Maine Capitol Police by Commissioner Michael Sauschuck in October of 2021. Prior to that time the Chief was a veteran officer from Massachusetts, serving 39 years in varying roles there. In the last 20 years of his time in Massachusetts, he served as police chief in two communities.
Chief Clancy holds a master’s degree in criminal justice from Boston University and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico Virginia. He is the past president of the Plymouth County Police Chief’s Association and served as president of the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission. He is the 2018 co-recipient of the Leadership in Community Policing Award from the International Chiefs of Police Association for his work with addiction outreach programs in Southeastern Massachusetts.