Barry Chaffin

Job Title: Co-owner/Managing Founder
Business: Nova Analytic Labs
Seat Held on Workgroup: Testing Facility Representative

Biography: Barry Chaffin is one of the Owners and Founders of Nova Analytic Labs, a cannabis testing facility located in Portland, Maine. Barry serves as a managing founder for the laboratory and engages with the lab's clientele, the state and other governing/regulatory agencies regarding testing quality, appropriate testing and other regulatory issues. In addition, he works with the lab to continually develop new and improved methodologies for accurate and reliable testing in the cannabis space.

Prior to opening Nova, Barry was very active in multiple laboratory industries including owning and/or operating clinical toxicology labs, pharmaceutical labs and environmental labs and has over two decades of hands on experience in the analytical laboratory space.

Reason Applying for Workgroup: Barry applied to the workgroup in order to help provide input on how to better ensure safe, high quality medicine is available in the medical market while at the same time making sure the cost of the product stays reasonable and the accessibility to the market remains high.